Learn MoreRCO2 is “reduced carbon dioxide” and is trademark pending. The product target market is users of Calcium Aluminate Cements (CAC) and the greater performance binder market. CAC is currently the most widely used performance binder in the world and exhibits a carbon emission of up 1,400kg per tonne (1.4 units)* manufactured.
RC02 exhibits a carbon emission of 715 kg per tonne (0.715 units) manufactured, halving the emission figure generated by CAC cements. Impressively, RC02 also outperforms CAC cements with speed and overall strength. It can be used as a 100% OPC replacement or added or mixed in varying proportions. It is a blended powder.

Green Binder
Learn MoreThe Green Binder™ is the environmentally friendly performance binder which can be replaced 100% of OPC in existing designs.
The Green Binder™ is more than just a performance binder. It has a calculated carbon emission factor (CEF) of less than 0.1 versus OPC (cement) 0.88 and CAC cements between 1.2 to 1.4.

Learn MoreK20™ is designed to partially replace OPC for the highly practical application of simply ‘making’ concrete, for any purpose. The scientifically recommended application is OPC 70% : K20™ 30%. K20™ can be added on-site. It is a powdered chemical admixture which complies to AS1478.1 (Chemical Admixture for Concrete) – Special purpose set-accelerating, high range water reducing, strength enhancing admixture.
It enhances the speed of cure in the early stages and can achieve a typical 28-day strength in 2 hours – more than 300 times faster than a conventional concrete. It reduces carbon emissions by a minimum of 20% per cubic metre of concrete compared to conventional concrete.

Learn MoreCA958 stands for Concrete Accelerator 958 (Usain Bolt’s 9.58 seconds 100m world record). It is a patented concrete set accelerator and is trademark pending. It is a liquid but can be sold as a solid.
The CA958 is designed to be added to the K20™, RC02 and The Green Binder™ base technologies. If added to these base systems, it can achieve results 500% – 700% greater than standard, benchmark results.
All the above-mentioned products are a system. Patent protection for the CA958 was paramount to protecting the overall technology inter-reactivity.
Full Patent has been granted in the United States of America, South Africa, Australia, Eurasia, India and Canada. Pending application for the European Union.

Shotcrete & other proprietary products
Learn MoreGreenTech Cement’s shotcretes are suitable for underground mining and civil application. If our technical services department do not have a fit for purose product ‘off the shelf’, then can develop or design it for your specific needs.
Shotcrete (wet or dry, high performace , carbon reduced or not). We are experts in the art, and also the only company in Australia with dedicated equipment capable of manufacturing micro-fine and ultra-fine powders.
Specialised waterproofing and coatings (most with desirable sustaniablity attributes).
Standard and specialised grouts for commercial, mining and infrastructure.

GTC Contracting
Learn MoreGTC Contracting is the manufacturing arm of GreenTech Cement. It is a wholly owned subsidiary. GTC Contracting utilises GreenTech Cement’s advanced mix designs and manufacturing process to service our traditional clients and markets. GreenTech Cement plans to enter the market with its own unique – high performance, carbon reduced products and additives.
We believe the entire construction and building sector deserves access to our products and the much-sought ability to join the global fight against C02. At GreenTech cement, we believe the most effective way to reduce the carbon footprint of cement based products, is to remove it from the mix design completely.
We aim to be the technology of choice.
GTC Contracting Website – Click here